Cooking Tips
Condiments: When getting to the bottom of a catsup bottle, add a little vinegar and swish it around to make catsup stretch farther. do ti to other condiments as well.
Dairy Products: You can still hard boil a cracked egg by adding 1 tbs vinegar to the boiling water. Vinegar will prevent the white from running out.
Fruits & Vegetables:
Make the crust of homemade bread a nice golden brown by removing it from the oven shortly before baking time is complete and brushing it with vinegar. Return to oven to finish baking.
You can help homemade bread rise by adding 1 tbs vinegar for every 2 1/2 cups of flour in the recipe. Reduce other liquids in recipe proportionately.
Meringue: Make a fluffier meringue that is more stable by adding vinegar to 3 egg whites before beating. Add a 1/2 tsp for every 3 whites.
Cheese: Wrap leftover hard cheese in a cloth saturated with vinegar, then store in an airtight container. This will keep cheese from hardening or molding.
Buttermilk: As a substitute for buttermilk, stir 1 tbs vinegar into 1 cup whole milk and let stand a few minutes, then measure out the amount called for in recipe.
Lemons & Limes: Use a 1/2 tsp vinegar for each tsp lime or lemon juice called for in a recipe.
Salt: Instead of salt use vinegar as a seasoning for foods like potatoes or other veggies. Sprinkle on lightly.
Wine: Mix 1 part red wine vinegar to 3 parts water then use whatever amount your recipe calls for in place of wine.
Dairy Products: You can still hard boil a cracked egg by adding 1 tbs vinegar to the boiling water. Vinegar will prevent the white from running out.
- Add a tablespoon or more of vinegar when frying fish to reduce fishy taste and smells.
- Give canned shrimp and fish a freshly caught taste by covering it in sherry and adding 2 tbs vinegar. Soak for 15 minutes then prepare as directed. To keep fish white, soak for 20 minutes in a mixture of 1 quart water and 2 tbs vinegar.
Fruits & Vegetables:
- When cooking fruit on the stove top, add a spoonful of vinegar to improve flavor.
- When making mashed potatoes, add 1 tbs vinegar once you have used enough milk. This will help keep potatoes white.
- In a tomato sauce or soup add 1-2 tbs vinegar just before completing the cooking process. Flavors will be enhanced.
- Freshen wilted vegetables such a spinach or lettuce by soaking them in 2 cups water and 1 tbs vinegar.
- Add zip to a pound of hamburger by adding garlic wine vinegar and 1/2 ts mustard. work into meat before making into patties.
- Improve the flavor of boiled ham by adding 1 tbs vinegar to cooking water.
Make the crust of homemade bread a nice golden brown by removing it from the oven shortly before baking time is complete and brushing it with vinegar. Return to oven to finish baking.
You can help homemade bread rise by adding 1 tbs vinegar for every 2 1/2 cups of flour in the recipe. Reduce other liquids in recipe proportionately.
Meringue: Make a fluffier meringue that is more stable by adding vinegar to 3 egg whites before beating. Add a 1/2 tsp for every 3 whites.
Cheese: Wrap leftover hard cheese in a cloth saturated with vinegar, then store in an airtight container. This will keep cheese from hardening or molding.
Buttermilk: As a substitute for buttermilk, stir 1 tbs vinegar into 1 cup whole milk and let stand a few minutes, then measure out the amount called for in recipe.
Lemons & Limes: Use a 1/2 tsp vinegar for each tsp lime or lemon juice called for in a recipe.
Salt: Instead of salt use vinegar as a seasoning for foods like potatoes or other veggies. Sprinkle on lightly.
Wine: Mix 1 part red wine vinegar to 3 parts water then use whatever amount your recipe calls for in place of wine.